IMM student Wajid Ali accepted for M2 studies in France


“I graduated with my Bachelor degree in 2017 and Master degree in 2019 from the University of Peshawar, Pakistan. I would say that I am not yet successful, but my story with the IMM begins with attending a talk by Prof. Stefano Luzzatto at the Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, Lahore in February 2019, where I discussed my goals with him. He was very kind and suggested that I should apply for the upcoming IMM program at COMSATS Lahore. I applied and was successful. During this amazing year I learned from very dedicated professors and supportive tutors. I was introduced to fantastic fields of Mathematics like Algebraic Topology, Dynamical Systems and Machine Learning. At the end of the year I got selected to complete the second year of my Master program in France, and the application was supported by IMM professors providing recommendation letters. I am therefore now attending an M2 in Applied Mathematics, CEPS (Scientific Computing, Partial Differential Equations, Probabilities, Statistics) at the Aix-Marseille University (AMU), backed by the Archimedes Institute.

I look forward to working with the IMM team in their mission of spreading the knowledge of mathematics and respecting mutual cultural values. I thank ICTP, Trieste Italy and CUI Lahore for bringing this amazing Master program to Pakistan.”

Wajid Ali, IMM class of 2019/2021


Oxford University’s Prof. John Mason to teach IMM students on “Thinking Mathematically and Problem Solving”