Vision and Mission Statements


Mathematics underpins all areas of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), including Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Countries wishing to improve their STI research capacity must maintain a high-level mathematics research community. However, even some economically rich countries are still “developing” in this respect and have little or no high-level research output.

The IMM is a low-cost, high-quality, high-impact model that brings top-level faculty to host countries to teach and train the very best students regardless of their ability to pay.

The IMM provides continuity and coordination and offers outstanding value to host institutions and countries, increasing their research capacity via a fully sustainable programme.


The International Mathematics Master (IMM) was founded to build mathematics research capacity and underpin high-level teaching quality globally.

The long-term mission is to establish and consolidate a critical mass of researchers working at an international level who can form an active and self-sustaining research community.


IMM’s vision is founded on two key observations: 1. Talented, hardworking, students from across the world can become excellent mathematicians when they have access to high quality teaching 2. Hundreds of high-level researchers are willing to volunteer their time and expertise to support students and researchers in developing countries. The IMM brings these two groups together and provides the continuity, coordination and long-term support other MSc programmes lack.

The quality of the IMM is competitive with most other Master’s worldwide.

IMM faculty is committed to personalized mentoring and support.

The foundation and execution of IMM’s concept has evolved over decades and draws from the wealth of experience held by the faculty and staff of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP).

Elite yet inclusive

The IMM attracts exceptional local and international students to its programmes. It is designed and taught by prestigious international faculty who work with faculty in host countries. It offers personalized attention and world-leading training and prepares students for entry into competitive, international PhD programmes.

Moreover, every student receives a full scholarship which covers their tuition and living costs, ensuring the best students can succeed whatever their background.

Teaching Model

IMM Algeria


IMM Pakistan
