IMM - pakistan


IMM courses are taught by small teams comprised of international professors from some of the most prestigious universities and research institutes worldwide alongside LUMS faculty. The international professors are fully involved in the planning, teaching and assessment of the courses and visit LUMS on a regular basis for in-person teaching. They are fully involved in the supervision of the Master’s theses and support the students in their applications to continue their studies in Pakistan or abroad.

The mathematics department at SBASSE-LUMS is embedded in the global mathematics ecology and engages in numerous outreach and research activities. The department has more than 12 faculty members working in diverse areas of pure, applied and computational mathematics.

Current IMM-PAKISTAN faculty
Explore the faculty profiles, below, for details of international professors teaching on the current IMM-PAKISTAN programme.

IMM courses are delivered by teams of international professors from prestigious universities and research institutes worldwide, working alongside faculty from NHSM and other Algerian universities. These international professors actively contribute to course planning, teaching, and assessment, making regular visits to NHSM for in-person teaching.

They also play a key role in supervising Master’s theses and supporting students in pursuing further studies in Algeria or abroad. Explore the faculty profiles below for details of the international professors involved in the current IMM-ALGERIA programme.

Current IMM-ALGERIA faculty
Explore the faculty profiles, below, for details of international professors teaching on the current IMM-ALGERIA programme.



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