IMM International Faculty
Commutative Algebra
How would you define your field of study? What is your vision of it? Which are the topics you're most passionate about?
My field of research is noncommutative and Hopf algebras. I am interested in finding connections between algebra and geometry. Currently, my passion is in finding plane curves which are quantum homogeneous spaces.
from 2020 to Present
Research Scientist, African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Ghana
from 2019 to Present
IMM International Faculty, International Mathematics Master (IMM)
How was your experience in the IMM or how do you expect it to be? Why did you accept to teach for this project?
I expect a challenging experience of not only tutoring but learning new ways of engaging students during online tutorials. I accepted to be a tutor on this project because I believe in the vision of the IMM to promote mathematical excellence in developing countries.
What is your teaching philosophy? What would you like to transmit to your students? How do you motivate them?
Motivation for a topic is key when introducing students to new concepts. Thus, I usually start new topics by giving students motivation in order to ignite their interest in it. During tutorials, I encourage students to not only ask questions but attempt to answer them. Through engaging interactions and insights from the tutor who leads the tutorial, questions of students are usually answered by the end of the tutorial.
Do you have one of two favorite quotes you would like to share and/or a personal “motto”?
My personal motto is "Dream, believe and take action."