Muhammad Waseem Akram


I grew up in Haroonabad, Pakistan and completed my MSc at the University of Punjab, Lahore before joining IMM Pakistan.

To me, mathematics is first and foremost the science of patterns, big chaotic events in natural world can be modeled by breaking them down into the intersection of lots and lots of little regularities.

I chose IMM master because I certainly believe who has proven themselves in academic arena as this will enable me to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge required to excel in mathematics.

My experience with the master so far was very positive. I learn many things here. Methods of teachings of professors was very good.

This IMM Masters will produce students of different mentality, who will focus on mathematics and there will be chance for them to collaborate with international mathematics and will do truly quality research.

The contact with the international teachers is satisfying and inspiring for me.


Student introduction video:

Muhammad Waseem Akram, IMM class of 2019/2021


Marco Abate


Alberto Abbondandolo