Ahsan Ali

PhD Student

Montana State University, Bozeman


IMM Student
IMM Student
IMM Student


Educational Background and Interest in Mathematics:

I graduated as a double major in Economics and Mathematics from IBA Karachi. I developed an interest in pure mathematics at the end of my third year and then worked on a research project in Topology and Geometry in my final year. I have always enjoyed the structured aspect of mathematics and that too within a decent amount of creativity. My admiration of this and my curiosity motivated me to pursue further education in mathematics.


from 2022 to Present
IMM-Alumni Executive Committee,
from 2022 to Present
PhD Student, Montana State University, Bozeman
from 2022 to Present
Teaching Assistant, Montana State University, Bozeman
from 2022 to Present
Finance Director, The Maths Volunteers Foundation
from 2020 to 2022
MSc Graduate, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) - Lahore Campus
from 2020 to 2022
IMM Graduate, International Mathematics Master (IMM)
from 2016 to 2020
B.Sc. (Hons) Graduate, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi


Discovery of IMM:

My undergraduate research advisor told me about this program. He knew some people in the local administration of the IMM. He recognized the potential of this program and strongly recommended that I only go here if I plan to study further.

IMM Experience:

My first semester in the IMM program was been a testing one. In the very beginning, I had realized that there is a huge difference between undergrad and grad studies. It took me a while at first to get acquainted with the pace and difficulty of my courses, but I worked really hard to get through it. By the second semester, I had a better idea on what to expect and things became manageable. During the two years of the program, other than the mathematics, I learned a great deal about myself and how I am as a learner. I also got a front-seat view of what it means to do research by interacting with my professors every chance I got. Although, my two years there were completely virtual, I still made the best of it by participating as much as I could and discussing math with my peers. In particular, I enjoyed all my analysis courses and I also loved the Dynamical Systems course which was taught by Prof. Stefano Luzzatto. Among my analysis professors, I fondly remember the classes of Prof. Emmanuel Carneiro, Prof. Sahibzada Waleed Noor and Prof. Nuria Fagella. I also appreciate the efforts of the tutors at the time, Dr. Douglas Coates and Dr. Fabrizio Bianchi. Their efforts and guidance directly shaped my mathematical learning as well as my professional growth as a graduate student. Lastly, I would like to appreciate my master's thesis supervisor, Prof. Thomas Jordan for introducing me to the lovely world of Fractal Geometry. Overall, it was a vigorous and wonderful experience.

Professional Goals:

Currently, I am still pretty open-minded and have not decided if I want to continue down this path to becoming a researcher. I also enjoy teaching and am also considering being a teaching professor. It's still too soon to decide on this right now but I do know that I want to stay in academia.

Key Accomplishments:

During my second year in the IMM program, I had worked in an organizing capacity for the CIMPA School on Recent Advances in Dynamical Systems that was held at COMSATS University Islamabad (the host institution for IMM, at the time). In my two years at MSU, I have been awarded the 'Outstanding Graduate Student' award both years. I had also secured a graduate fellowship from the university at the time of my admission. Other than that, I have been received support to travel and been accepted to attend several mathematical conferences.


IMM Algeria


IMM Pakistan
