IMM International Faculty
Numerical Linear Algebra and Analysis
IMM International Faculty
Numerical Linear Algebra
How would you define your field of study? What is your vision about it? Which are the topics you're most passionate about?
I study dynamical systems and ergodic theory. I may define it as a "blend" between probability and study of interactions of functions. In the last two years I founded and led a group in "applications of math", mostly in big data and artificial intelligence. This is quite new to me and, as usual, offers a new intellectual challenge. The nice thing is to see math making a difference in other people’s work, like sales or justice (two areas that we have projects in Brazil).I am especially interested in thermodynamical formalism in the last 18 years, a part of ergodic theory that was inspired by Physical Phenomena from Statistical Mechanics. Concerning applications of math in my new lab, I am focused on image and natural language processing, especially document classification, topic classification, named entity recognition and people counting in nonstructured environment.
from 2023 to Present
IMM International Faculty, International Mathematics Master (IMM)
from 2003 to Present
Associate Professor, Federal University of Alagoas
How do you expect your experience in IMM to be? Why did you accept to teach for this project?
I think that the exchange between people is always a way to learn more and push forward the science and math. Considering the high standards and goals of ICTP that I learned in several very important visits for my career, even when I was a student, I believe that participation in IMM would be very interesting and fruitful. The excellent faculty that are participating in this program make me proud to be part of that.
Which is your teaching philosophy? What would you like to transmit to your students? How do you motivate them?
I use say that patience, discipline and hard work is key to improvement. When it is associated with nice sources, books and advising, anyone can excel. My expectations is to give my best to students and help them to improve.
Do you have one of two favorite quotes you would like to share and/or a personal “motto”? I
I do not have a personal motto, but I do appreciate the quote by the extraordinary Pakistani Abdus Salam: "Scientific thought is the common heritage of mankind."